A coal miner turned rare earth behemoth? It’s no exaggeration. Ramaco Resources, with a pocket full of productive and safe coal operations in Appalachia, took a chance on a Wyoming property that may ultimately produce an enormous payday for Ramaco, as a result of an enormous rare earth find beneath the surface. NAM talks to Ramaco’s Chairman, CEO and Founder…
Read MoreTag: rare earth elements
Ramaco’s Brook mine deemed commercially, technically feasible
A newly released independent interim techno-economic report by Fluor has revealed that Ramaco Resources’ Brook mine in Wyoming – acquired as a coal operation but found to be prolific for rare earth elements – is both commercially and technically feasible. Ramaco is hoping to extract valuable rare earth elements (REEs) and critical minerals from unconventional coal and carbonaceous ore deposits…
Read MoreState of the REE industry
North American Mining reviews the current state and recent developments in the North American rare earth elements industry, highlighting its potential for growth and innovation. By Jonathan Rowland Rare earth elements (REEs) are a set of 17 metallic elements that are essential components in more than 200 products across a wide range of applications, especially in high-tech consumer products, such…
Read MoreAnother dimension of mining
It’s true: There’s no real definition of a “normal day” in mining anymore. Operators now worry about so many more factors than they used to – how to power equipment more efficiently, how to reduce the mine’s footprint, how to save even more money and, of course, how to continue a journey of constant improvement overall. This is all while…
Read MoreRare Element Resources boosts Bear Lodge mineral resource
Rare Element Resources has completed a new mineral resource estimate based on maximizing the recovery of the key magnet materials of neodymium, praseodymium, terbium and dysprosium, as well as other critical rare earths such as lanthanum. The estimate is focused on the Bull Hill deposit at the Bear Lodge REE project, located in northeastern Wyoming, with long-term upside existing in…
Read MoreWVU gets government boost for rare earth work
A group of researchers at West Virginia University have been awarded US$3 million from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to increase the supply of rare earth elements and critical minerals extracted from acid mine drainage across the country. The researchers, led by Paul Ziemkiewicz, director of the Water Research Institute at WVU, will establish resource recovery sites in West…
Read MoreMajor REE deposit found at Ramaco mine
Following 18 months of extensive core drilling and independent chemical analysis, Ramaco Resources and researchers from the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory believe that the former’s Brook mine in Wyoming contains perhaps the largest unconventional deposit of rare earth elements discovered in the United States. In particular, the mine ranks among the highest relative concentrations yet discovered of…
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