Mining PA conference just weeks away

Mine and plant operators, suppliers, government, professional group members and other industry advocates are all set to convene in just weeks at Mining PA, being hosted at The Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center from August 14-16.

The event will begin with a reception beginning at 6 p.m. on August 14, and the opening session on health and safety will commence at 9:30 a.m. August 15. Offering the keynote address for the first session will be Steve Sawyer Jr. from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD) with a presentation on NIOSH Mining Health and Safety Research in Pennsylvania and beyond.

Other sessions over the following few days will be under the headings of environmental protection, critical minerals and new technologies.

Some of the papers planned include:

  • Full-scale demonstration of Somerset Sub325 Dewatering Centrifuge: Discussion of testing procedures and results from multiple locations, applications, and industries – Mike Barish, Somerset International
  • The future of mining machines – Innovations and technologies – Jim Haughey, Komatsu
  • Highwall stabilization and ground control – Underground mine design – Carolyn McCannon, RESPEC
  • Evaluation of Critical Metals in Pennsylvania coal mine drainage – Dr. John M. Memmi, Consultant and former Deputy Director and Policy Director, PA Senate
  • Revalorization of mine tailings – Dr. Barbara J. Arnold, Penn State

The multi-day event will adjourn at 5 p.m. on August 16.

Registration information, lodging and more are available at here. The conference’s organizer, Penn State’s Barb Arnold, has highly recommended registrations be submitted by July 31. The meeting’s hotel room discount expires on July 28.

Source: Mining PA – August 14-16, 2023 (

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