Causes and prevention of conveyor fires

An enormous part of worker safety is the prevention of hazardous situations at the mine site – especially those areas where risks are highest. There is always room to improve that level of safety, and behind that is understanding more about risk mitigation. To create a fire there must be three elements: oxygen, heat and fuel (also known as “the…

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NMA, NIOSH, OSMRE honor safety, tech

In a ceremony in Las Vegas, Nev., the National Mining Association (NMA), the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) honored outstanding achievements in mine safety, technology and reclamation. SafetyThe NMA’s Sentinels of Safety Award recognizes coal and mineral mining operations in 10 categories for recording the…

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Just one week until Southeast Mine Conference

More than 450 attendees are expected to convene October 31-November 3 for this year’s Southeast Mine Safety and Health Conference in Birmingham, Ala., with “Taking Ownership of Safety and Health” as its theme. A full schedule has been prepared for the event being held again at the Renaissance Ross Bridge in Hoover, beginning with an optional short course on Oct.…

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Leaders in mine safety and technology honored by NMA, federal agencies

In a ceremony in Washington, D.C., the National Mining Association (NMA), the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) honored outstanding achievements in mine safety, technology and reclamation. The NMA’s Sentinels of Safety Award recognizes coal and mineral mining operations in 10 categories for recording the most…

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Countdown in motion for SME/PCMIA in Steel City

Annual two-day event has a packed schedule of presentations on safety, engineering projects, critical minerals and more. By Donna Schmidt The Pittsburgh chapter of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) and the Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America (PCMIA) are putting the final components in place for their annual joint meeting and conference, set for October 26-27 in…

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Mining PA conference just weeks away

Mine and plant operators, suppliers, government, professional group members and other industry advocates are all set to convene in just weeks at Mining PA, being hosted at The Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center from August 14-16. The event will begin with a reception beginning at 6 p.m. on August 14, and the opening session on health and safety will…

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Stay alert near chemicals for health, safety: MSHA

Recent train derailments and chemical spills, including several incidents on mine sites, have increased the importance of maintaining awareness about hazardous chemicals used in mining.  Miners working with and around chemicals can be exposed to hazards that result in injuries or illnesses from exposure to chemicals. Safe handling of chemicals can prevent accidents, injuries and illnesses.  MSHA has compiled the…

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