Dyno Nobel introduces new shock-resistant electronic detonators

Dyno Nobel continues to expand its electronic detonator line with its new DigiShot XR series designed with extreme shock resistance. The series includes three detonators: DigiShot XR, DigiShot Plus XR, and DigiShot Plus XRS. Dyno Nobel’s new detonators improve upon the industry’s current offerings with tailored technologies built to perform in extreme conditions. In high-dynamic shock environments where detonator failure…

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Austin Powder develops lead-free primary explosive

Cleveland, Ohio-based industrial explosives and engineered blasting solutions supplier Austin Powder has developed a lead-free alternative for detonators. The company said it is taking the lead in the explosives industry by developing lead-free primary explosive detonators before regulators mandate the change. Austin Powder started looking for a lead-free alternative to Lead Azide back in 2007 at its detonator facility, Austin…

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