ICMM appoints Adkerson – Richard Adkerson, who serves as president, CEO and vice chairperson of Freeport McMoRan, was recently tapped to be chairperson of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). An ICMM member since 2005, he previously served as chairperson from 2008 to 2011. ICMM is overseen by 27 elected company member CEOs.
Vista goes LTI free – The Vista mine recently congratulated its team in Alberta, Canada, for a safety milestone. In a posting on social media, the company said Vista had achieved two years without a lost-time accident.
Renard restarts – Osisko Gold Royalties conformed in mid-September that its Renard diamond mine, operated by Stornoway Diamonds Canada, will restart in Quebec. The mine had undergone an operational review as well as a cost evaluation; the latter found cost savings of more than C$30 million over 16 months. The company and other shareholders, including TF R&S Canada, CDPQ Resources and Diaquem, will add up to $30 million to give the mine some financial flexibility. The mine had been suspended since March.
Young-Davidson expansion is done – Alamos Gold has commissioned the Northgate shaft at the Young-Davidson operation in Ontario, Canada. The project, which made up the end of its lower mine expansion, said the mine’s underground crusher and conveyor system are also now in place and have been commissioned. Mining rates are now expected to jump to 7,500 metric tons per day by the end of 2020.
Euro Manganese makes appointments – Euro Manganese Inc. (EMN) appointed Tom Stepien as a director of the company; Andrea Zaradic, has joined the company as vice president, operations; and Dr. Thomas Glück has been appointed EMN’s chief technology officer. All appointments are effective Sept. 22.